⏰Jun.4⏰New Listing Coming 🔥 12,000 $LEV in Reward🎁

1 min readJun 4, 2021

Lever initiated the first Governance Event to vote for the asset listing on Jun.2nd.

🎉To celebrate six of the most trending assets listing on Lever, we are holding another round of Liquidity Mining for these 6 listed altcoins to offer a total of 🎁12,000 $LEV for Lever’s loyal users!

#LEVERARMY Assemble!!

📝Liquidity Mining

📅Duration: Jun. 4, 8:00 AM UTC to Jun. 7, 8:00 AM UTC.

🎁Allocation: 2,000 $LEV for each asset (1,000 $LEV for Depositing, 1,000 $LEV for Borrowing)

🙋How to participate:

  • Depositing: deposit any mentioned assets on Lever and you will start earning $LEV. Your rewarded $LEV is calculated in real-time based on your proportion in the deposit pool of the asset.
  • Borrowing: borrow any mentioned assets on Lever and you will start earning $LEV. Your rewarded $LEV is calculated in real-time based on your proportion in the loan pool of the asset.

💡For LEV mining APR calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10bIBUq4EwnMKs78r5R7TYMvjus1RCDR0zI5Xv7Xanhg/edit?usp=sharing

More trending assets will be available soon!🔥

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